Holman Industrial Group

We are a company with more than 50 years of experience dedicated to providing manufacturing of industrial machinery and equipment, plant maintenance contracts and installation and assembly of machinery.

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Holman. Where to find us

Where to find us

We have care and service centers in Nuevo León, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Chihuahua and San Luis Potosí, we also provide care and service throughout the Texas Valley.

We support our clients throughout the entire development process of their projects.

Holman. We support our clients throughout the entire development process of their projects. Holman. We support our clients throughout the entire development process of their projects.

For our clients and suppliers we are not just a distributor, we are an ally that adds value. We are a value-added connection between our clients and suppliers.

Holman. For our clients and suppliers we are not just a distributor, we are an ally that adds value. We are a value-added connection between our clients and suppliers.


Holman, in partnership with its suppliers, creates custom made part numbers to meet customer needs.

This comes with the supplier's part number and, in the event that Holman leaves the project for any reason, your solution is still available with the supplier.


Holman sends documentation


Piece with serial number


Supplier keeps the prototype


Client can request its piece to the supplier

We are Industrial solution leaders

Contact us to find out how we can help you grow your project.

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